Timeless truth

According to Guru Nanak, the supreme purpose of human life is to reconnect with Akal (‘The Timeless One’), however, egotism is the biggest barrier in making this connection. Using the Guru’s teaching remembrance of nām (the divine Name of the Lord) leads to the end of egotism. Guru Nanak designated the word Guru (‘teacher’) to mean the voice of “the spirit”: the source of knowledge and the guide to salvation. As ik onkar is universally immanent, Guru is indistinguishable from Akal and are one and the same.
Guru Nanak’s teachings are founded not on a final destination of heaven or hell, but on a spiritual union with the Akal, which results in salvation or jivanmukti (‘enlightenment/liberation within one’s lifetime’), a concept also found in Hinduism. Guru Gobind Singh makes it clear that human birth is obtained with great fortune, therefore one needs to be able to make the most of this life.
Sikhs accept reincarnation and karma concepts found in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, but do not necessarily infer a metaphysical soteriology akin to those found in those other religions. However, in Sikhism, both karma and liberation “is modified by the concept of God’s grace” (nadar, mehar, kirpa, karam, etc.).
Guru Nanak states that “the body takes birth because of karma, but salvation is attained through grace.”To get closer to God, Sikhs: avoid the evils of maya; keep the everlasting truth in mind; practice shabad kirtan (musical recitation of hymns); meditate on naam; and serve humanity. Sikhs believe that being in the company of the satsang (association with sat, ‘true’, people) or sadh sangat is one of the key ways to achieve liberation from the cycles of reincarnation.